It is clear that young men and boys are losing their identity, together with their proper role in society, as the direct result of political correctness and social engineering, which has resulted in the increasing feminisation of our society.
From the earliest age, boys are aware that all authority figures are women, starting with mothers in the proliferation and popularisation of single-parent families, and the almost 100% staffing levels of women teachers in schools.
Add to that the high female staffing levels in all public services; the unfair positive discrimination in the appointment of women to senior positions (mostly Chairman) in Quangos, the running of prisons, the Police Services, the Armed Forces, Medicine, Law , and not least - the hopelessly biased left-wing liberal BBC, with female faces & voices dominating our television and radio services.
It's time it stopped, and it's time for governments to stop pandering to the so-called rights of vociferous minorities, and started heeding the opinions and wishes of the usually silent majority. 'Dave' and his new chums quite clearly don't have the steel to tackle the real problems in British society, and will clearly prove to be part of the escalating problem rather than the wise correcting impartial leaders they should be.
What is clear, is that someone needs to address the problem before it is too late - if it isn't already past the point of no return!