Friday, 26 November 2010

Liberally speaking ...

Some of my recent Tweets on the 'cuts':

Why do liberal lefties throw up their hands in horror when someone speaks the truth? It can only be that it conflicts with their overbearing PC ideology.

Howard Flight should know better than give the PC Brigade (who always look to be offended) any ammunition to create a fuss. Clear case of humbug!

Making 'favourites' of certain sections of society, by interfering Liberals, is bound to create hostility & resentment among those excluded!

Tree hugging liberals must 'hug' all of us and not just those they patronise by declaring them in need of care and protection - they are all hypocrites!

Hostility to protected minority groups is an inevitable response to being told ad nauseam we must only follow the liberal way of doing and saying things.

If Liberals are such a good and shining example, then surely we would all follow without dissent. Why then, using PC, do they bully the rest of us so much?

Liberals force their views upon us using ostracism & hostility as weapons if we disapprove. Where is the liberalism in that? That's Fascism!

No fees for University was when there were very few students. Labour insisted everyone goes to college which was stupid & unaffordable. Cut all the daft courses now and select only the best qualified - job done!

With so many vested interests, the Liberal Left will not co-operate with any changes that threaten to redress New Labour statist policies!

We see the resolve of the Coalition wilting and the inevitable u-turns and dilution of declared policies emerge as predicted. How very sad!!

Given Ireland's parlous financial situation, is it not appropriate to give them another referendum and see if they can get it right this time?

Sunday, 14 November 2010

We will remember them ...

"At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them."

So very sad; my eyes brim with tears at the thought of all those dear young people who lost their lives - and continue to do so.


Tuesday, 9 November 2010

The Novel Network is a Scam!!!!

"The Novel Network is a Scam!!!!

Recently, I got suckered into joining The Novel Network. The site promises instant access and unlimited downloads to more than 30,000 ebooks, magazines, newspapers and more. All for a one-time fee of $49.95.

And it promises that you can read your books, magazines etc on a kindle, nook, any ebook reader or even directly on your pc or mac.

Sounds great, right?

The truth is that The Novel Network is nothing but a cleverly engineered scam. Once I had made the payment, I eagerly clicked the ebooks button and was redirected to which is essentially a directory of free public domain books!!!!

Books that I can access for free without having to pay $49.95 for!!!!!!

The magazine section isn't any better. Click on any magazine cover and you will be sent to that magazines website. I can do that myself. I certainly don't have to pay the scam artists at The Novel Network to do it for me.

So if you were thinking of subscribing to The Novel Network, take my advice for it and stay away!!!

And what about those sites telling you how wonderful The Novel Network is? Those are simple affiliates wanting to make a quick buck off you. Don't fall for it."

Unashamedly completely plagiarised from:

I GOT CAUGHT TOO!!  -  and the money-back guarantee is another part of this elaborate scam - don't you get caught too!!

24 November 2010 - UPDATE

I did in fact apply successfully for a full refund, which has just been credited to my account.