Speaking in very round terms, the British electorate is divided into three main sections. 40% traditionally vote Conservative; 40% vote Labour and 20% is divided among the Liberals and the smaller political parties.
Given this scenario it is obvious that the two main parties effectively cancel each other out. This therefore gives the balance of power to the remaining 20% of the electorate, which comprises many and various self-interest groupings such as the vociferous lobbies representing the various women’s groups including feminists, black activist and racist groups including immigration reformists, religious groups, homosexual and lesbian groups (the so-called ‘pink vote’!), anarchists, Marxists and communists, environmentalists, environmental groups and out of favour far right wing groups.
It will be seen from this list why our ‘elected representatives’ and government ministers appear to be pandering to interests against the wishes of the majority of the electorate. It is the sure way to election victory to secure without too much effort, the traditional ‘guaranteed vote’, plus the largest proportion of the ‘floating vote’!! In order to secure this proportion the electioneering would-be politicians have to pander and make promises to the members of these small groupings, which in turn become more and more demanding and outrageous with each successive election. The party that gains the most votes from this disparate section of the electorate - wins the ballot!
Unfortunately we no longer enjoy the clear political distinctions that we once did. The Labour Party who were once committed socialists, have emerged in their new existence as ‘New Labour’ and in their determination to achieve government shifted all their emphasis to the middle ground of politics, where unfortunately the Conservative Party have also settled. After 17 years in power the Tories were in disarray and with the socialists effectively adopting the majority of their policies, they really didn’t have a clear alternative policy on which to fight an election. How much better it would be for all of us, if the two main parties went back to their original doctrines; the Tories to Conservatism on the right of the political spectrum, the Labour party to socialism and to the left, thus leaving the centre ground of politics to the Liberal Party. This would then effectively give the electorate a clear choice again, and the complete difference between the main parties would require the ‘splinter groups’ to make a choice, and they would then quite clearly lose the inequitable influence they enjoy at the moment.
Politics is riven with political correctness at all levels, encouraging once loyal and decent people to spy on one another and to find fault simply for the sake of being difficult and pedantic. Political correctness has somehow insidiously become the bane and torment of all our lives, and yet we feel helpless to oppose it. This because there is always someone willing to take the high moral ground in any given situation, which is always ridiculously difficult to counter effectively without getting into a ‘slanging’ match. It is the insidious advance of this clammy monster, which inhibits us all from criticising a system, which rewards minorities so effectively, to the disadvantage of the majority. It is not too dramatic to suggest that Orwell’s 1984 ‘Big Brother’ has well and truly arrived and is controlling our lives in a most unexpected way.
Recent horrific events in the village of Soham highlight yet again the British public’s probable desire to have the return of capital punishment for punishment of the really evil in our society. Yet our elected representatives continue to assert that they know better, and the prospect of the death penalty being reintroduced is in all likelihood decidedly poor.
The younger generation, the issue of parents from the liberal 60’s and 70’s, have been effectively brainwashed into believing that homosexuality is an acceptable alternative lifestyle and is to be considered normal. This is in direct contrast to the other half of the population, that was brought up to bitterly oppose homosexuality, as a perversion and a quite unacceptable practice. Indeed it was a most serious crime up until 1967. How can a succession of weak governments, following more and more outrageous demands from this group of people – particularly to legally bugger a 16-year-old boy, expect a very moral older generation to simply change its mind and now accept this abomination as ‘normal’?
Of course such views expressed so bluntly will outrage a certain mindset and will be condemned as the demented outpourings of a rabid homophobe, who is most likely a latent homosexual. Such is the difficulty in presenting a coherent opposition to many of the unacceptable practices, which have sprung up in our society. Many of us simply yearn for the return to moral values and acceptance that marriage and the family unit is the basis of a decent society.
In the matter of what appears to be an out of control immigration policy, who among us is not horrified at the ineptitude of our elected representatives to deal with the outrageous abuse of our country’s generosity and hospitality. Yet any opposition to this out of hand situation, which present the most serious problems for the future, is greeted with hate labels by woolly-minded liberals and rabble-rousers, and inevitably described as racist! How can it be racist to want to control the number of people that are admitted to an already overcrowded island, and an overstretched economy?
When ever a person from one of the minority groups runs into a problem the first thing they do is to invoke the race issue, or the female issue, or whatever grouping they lay claim to, so that the situation is never judged on its merits but rather on the colour or sex of the complainant, who invariably wins the day because of the unwillingness of decent people to fall foul of the strident exponents of such policies.
It cannot possibly be right to encourage by acceptance, the proliferation of single mothers raising children from a number of different fathers. Children need role models and despite the views of emancipated career women, the most successful unit in which to successfully raise children, which after all is our main role in life, is the seminal family unit.
Because of years of poor guidance and example, people have become incredibly selfish. Everyone is so aware of his or her individual rights, and yet no one appears to be aware of their responsibilities.
Political Correctness (PC) is the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s. It was a spontaneous declaration that particular ideas, expressions and behaviour, which were then legal, should be forbidden by law, and people who transgressed should be punished. It started with a few voices but grew in popularity until it became unwritten and written law within the community, with those who were publicly declared as being not politically correct becoming the target of persecution by the mob, if not prosecution by the state.
To attempt to point out the odious nature of Political Correctness is to restate the crucial importance of plain speaking, freedom of choice and freedom of speech; these are the community’s safe-guards against the imposition of tyranny, indeed their absence is tyranny. Which is why any such restrictions on expression such as those invoked by the laws of libel, slander and public decency, are grave matters to be decided by common law methodology; not by the dictates of the mob.
The declared rationale of this tyranny is to prevent people being offended; to compel everyone to avoid using words or behaviour that may upset homosexuals, women, none-whites, the crippled, the mentally impaired, the fat or the ugly. This reveals not only its absurdity but also its inspiration. The set of values that are detested are those held by the previous generation (many of whom who fought lived and fought through the Second World War), and perversely these very values have been subverted and become revered by the new generation.
Some of the restrictions are quite ridiculous yet who among us is not now aware that any word with ‘man’ in it is studiously avoided? Take the word chairman, which is essentially non-gender specific. Replaced now by ‘chair’ or ‘chairperson.
The overbearingly smug attitude of the ‘enlightened’ may well force us into a unwelcome censored silence – but they can’t stop us thinking. It can’t be too long before this ponderous pendulum ceases its crazy swing and begins to balance back the other way. Many of us hope it won’t be too long, as time is running out for many of us!
The rules for life have been evolving for many thousands of years so how can it be that enlightenment over the past 25 years can turn the wisdom of all those previous generations upside down, and establish a new order so quickly?