The planet Earth is a tiny, by comparison, piece of shrapnel, which we think was part of the resultant debris from a huge spontaneous explosion billions of years ago, which detonated in the vastness of the void that we know as Space.
That piece of shrapnel (Earth), together with the unimaginable number of other pieces of shrapnel, is hurtling outwards at enormous speed into infinite space. In the course of that flight, it is circling another vast piece of shrapnel (the Sun) which is still molten and glowing brightly with heat, upon which Earth relies for its very existence.
The inhabitants of Earth (Mankind) cling to the surface of the planet, having evolved from the environment that gradually developed in the prevailing and constantly changing conditions. There is neither rhyme nor reason how all this happened as it is all way beyond mankind’s puny comprehension.
The early inhabitants admitted that it was all way beyond their understanding and in their ignorance and fear could only believe that a Supreme Being (God) had created them. They believed that this God was omnipotent and worshipped Him in a number of ways, in order to please and serve Him.
Mankind utilised the natural resources of Earth to provide for it, and evolved to a formidably sophisticated level, which is essentially an observation made by mankind itself. During that evolution Earth was subjected to many natural disasters and came close at times to being obliterated. Despite all setbacks, Mankind survived until in the 1960’s the female of the species, who hitherto had been subjugated by the male of the species, declared further emancipation.
From those humble beginnings feminism emerged, together with political correctness and social engineering. These enlightened people and times bred a new knowledge of Earth that had previously been largely overlooked. It became clear to what became the Green Lobby that the climate on Earth was changing, and the changes were due to mankind’s despoliation of the planet for personal gain.
Thus began a movement, which was/is very controlling and overbearing, to reduce man-made emissions of Carbon Dioxide (CO²) , and which would brook no opposition to its green agenda. The process made certain individuals very powerful and in the process also made them very wealthy. The cost to the rest of us was to be a lowered standard of living, and a huge increase in taxation to pay for the proposed reduction in CO².
The debate as to the validity of the claims made by scientists is on-going, but in the rarefied atmosphere of the halls of academia, it appears not to have occurred to those claiming global warming, that those facts which describe our precarious existence in the great unknown scheme of things, may indicate more valid reasons for what is happening to our planet.
It should be very clear given the vastness and enormity of our existence, that there are matters way beyond our comprehension and control. The best we can do is to use our collective resources to adapt to the inevitable changes as they occur.
If the global warming lobby get their way, they will have visited upon the citizens of the world the greatest confidence trick of all time. History will be their judge, but that is cold comfort to those of us who are currently subject to their tyranny.
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