Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Aye oop me dook!

The BBCs obsession with ensuring that most of their presenters speak with regional accents, becomes increasingly irritating and frustrating.

If the presenters were speaking only in their own localized area, then there might be some merit in the practice, but to have people who have strong 'local' accents presenting national television, is nothing more than sheer idiocy - and clearly another determined politically correct decision.

Given that the vast majority of presenters are women and ethnic minorities, it is clear that the the BBCs continuing social engineering knows no bounds. There appears to be a glut of Northern Irish presenters, whose vowel sounds border on the hilarious, while most others clearly hail form north of The Wash.

While no-one wants those silly farts who affect what they believe to be 'upper-class' accents (circa 1950s), neither do we need or deserve those that revel in their commonness, and insist on talking in dialects that are alien to many of us, and which grate on our sensibilities.

What we should have is presenters who are all accentless, with no affectations, who can speak English properly and in a way that we can all understand. Good examples would be George Alagiah and Fiona Bruce.

I don't believe it will happen any time soon ...

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