Thursday, 28 October 2010

Why Political Correctness (PC) is losing the battle - at last!

Obvious signs that the PC Brigade is losing the battle to control our every thought, word and deed, is evidenced by its desperate attempts to keep in the headlines:

Suzi Browne  of the National Autism Society - a typical PC halfwit, was obviously looking to be offended by Jeremy Clarkson's humorous (fatuous) remark concerning Ferrari and its "simpleton" and "speciale [sic] needs" car. Silly self-serving bitch!

The PC Brigade don't want any humour in our lives, and will always try and find some minority group to protect in any humorous situation. If we are enjoying ourselves, then our would-be 'controllers' think we are clearly doing something wrong, and can't be properly manipulated. 

The homophobic bullies of tomorrow are being bred today, by those forcing young people  to accept as normal, practices that most other people find abhorrent. Teachers and others on personal crusades should not be teaching our children. Being confronted with,and made to accept, other minority group's personal lifestyles only breeds hostility towards those people!
PC obviously isn't working given that silly people (the PC Brigade) are still being 'offended' by the words and deeds of those who don't agree with them. The PC Brigade members will never win their battle against our right to free speech, because most of us don't believe the silliness that they preach. What they have been preaching is nothing short of statist political propaganda aimed at control of the citizenry.

There has been no recent lurch to the Right, but there has been a levelling up from the previous enforced swing to the liberal left.

It's nice to start walking upright again?

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