Wednesday, 27 June 2012

The Joy of Tweeting!

Some recent Tweets - Short & Sweet!

Reports of "low morale" in the police forces is a euphemism for sulking. They have had it too good for too long, & it's *got* to stop!!

Now that alleged "bigots" (racists) have been vindicated, how about addressing the frenzied "homophobic" slurs using the same yardstick?

I believe that most 'Atheists' are Agnostic, for to give the matter so much consideration is to be in its thrall ...

... oh that it was as simple as that. We were all part of nothing for ever before our birth, and so it will be again!

there is much about our bizarre existence that is far beyond our puny comprehension; thus anything is possible!

Why is Dave cocking about with 'gay' marriage & House of Lords reform, when most people don't give a stuff? Do something sensible Mr PM ...

Will people have to prove they are homosexual in order to take advantage of new 'gay marriage' laws - & how? Who will be 'Mr' & who 'Mrs'?

Do the so-called 'public services' not realise that the Country cannot afford their shrill cries for evermore money & perks? We're broke!

 "Public Services?" - an oxymoron if ever there was one, for what is now a 'feedfest' of self-serving greed & incompetence.

Two matters weigh heavily on the quality of my life & reflect typically the malignancy of the Blair administration: gay marriage & Salmond!

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